9 Lesser-known Facts About Alfred Lord Tennyson

The Doomed Light Brigade charging valiantly towards the Russian artillery in the Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War

Alfred Lord Tennyson is often recognized as one of the greatest poets of the Victorian era, and he is known for his beautiful and lyrical works. While many are familiar with his famous poems, such as “The Charge of the Light Brigade” and “In Memoriam A.H.H.,” there are many lesser-known facts about this celebrated poet.

From his early years to his later life, Tennyson’s journey as a poet was filled with fascinating anecdotes and details that are not widely known. By exploring these lesser-known facts, we can even more appreciate the complexity and depth of Tennyson’s work. Join us as we uncover 9 fascinating facts about Alfred Lord Tennyson that will shed new light on his life and legacy.

List of Tennyson Facts

1. Early Life

Alfred Lord Tennyson was born on August 6, 1809 in Somersby, Lincolnshire, England. He was the fourth of twelve children in his family. Tennyson’s father was a clergyman, which influenced his upbringing and later his writing.

2. Education

Tennyson attended Trinity College, Cambridge, where he became friends with other famous poets like Arthur Hallam and Thomas Babington Macaulay. He published his first collection of poetry, “Poems Chiefly Lyrical,” in 1830, which received mixed reviews.

3. Poetic Career

Tennyson’s breakthrough came with the publication of “In Memoriam A.H.H.” in 1850, a elegy dedicated to his friend, Arthur Hallam. This poem solidified Tennyson’s reputation as a leading Victorian poet. He was appointed Poet Laureate of Great Britain in 1850.

4. Influences

Tennyson was influenced by the Romantic poets, especially Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley. His work often explores themes of nature, love, and loss. Tennyson’s poetry is known for its vivid imagery and lyrical quality.

5. Famous Works

Some of Tennyson’s most famous works include “The Lady of Shalott,” “Ulysses,” and “The Charge of the Light Brigade.” These poems showcase his mastery of language and his ability to evoke powerful emotions in his readers.

6. Personal Life

Tennyson married Emily Sellwood in 1850, and they had two sons. He suffered from bouts of depression throughout his life, which influenced his writing. Tennyson’s poetry often reflects his inner struggles and search for meaning in a changing world.

7. Legacy

Tennyson’s poetry had a lasting impact on English literature and continues to be studied and admired today. He was one of the most popular poets of the Victorian era, and his works are still widely read and appreciated for their beauty and depth.

8. Honors

In addition to being appointed Poet Laureate, Tennyson was also awarded the Order of Merit by King Edward VII in 1884. He was the first English poet to receive this prestigious honor. Tennyson’s influence on poetry and literature cannot be overstated.

9. Death

Alfred Lord Tennyson died on October 6, 1892 at the age of 83. He was buried in Westminster Abbey, a rare honor for a poet. Tennyson’s legacy lives on through his timeless poetry, which continues to inspire readers around the world.


In conclusion, Alfred Lord Tennyson’s life was filled with complexity and depth, much like his poetry. By delving into these lesser-known facts, we can glimpse the many facets of this literary giant and the influences that shaped his remarkable body of work.

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