Learning Games for Adults

Explore Subjects

How it Works

Engaging Educational Games

The Problem:

Are you curious about history, literature, and Art History?

  • Do you ever feel overwhelmed by information?
  • Do you lose focus and give up?
  • Do you lack the time to explore your curiosity?
  • Do you find long study sessions boring?

If so, you are not alone!

girl with pearl

The Solution:

Micro-learning and bite-sized games.

  • Micro-learning breaks down topics into small, bite-sized chunks
  • This makes it easier to learn.
  • Games help reinforce knowledge!

Micro-learning Games

Our learning games for adults work in tandem with the micro-lessons to back up the knowledge you’ve learned.

Whether you enjoy puzzles, trivia, or strategy games, plenty of options exist. So next time you’re looking for a way to pass the time, consider playing a game that will entertain you and help you sharpen your mind.

Try it and see how much you can learn while having a blast!

Sample Games for Tess of the d'Urbervilles

Micro-learning games are short, fun activities that help adult learners quickly grasp new concepts and facts. Our learning apps and games can teach you about history, literature, biographies, geographies, and even foreign languages.

They are designed to be played in short bursts, making fitting them into your busy schedule easy. With simple words and short sentences, quick brain training games are a great way to expand your knowledge and help with problem-solving skills. Try out a few games today and see how much you can learn!

Online Micro-Courses

Micro-courses are short classes that you can take to learn more about different subjects like Literature, History, and Biographies. They are longer than the micro-lessons that accompany the games. They are typically about 30 minutes, while the lessons last about 7-10 minutes.

These courses are great for learning new things quickly and easily. You can choose which subjects interest you the most and take a micro-course to learn more about them.

Whether you want to read classic books, study critical historical events, or learn about famous people, there is a micro-course for you. Start exploring new topics today with micro-courses!

Featured Micro-Courses

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