Hey there animal lover! Ready to dive into the wild world of Animals in Spanish? Buckle up and get ready for a paw-some adventure as we embark on a journey to learn all the quirky and hilarious names of our furry, feathery, and scaly friends. From "perro" to "pingüino," we'll have you speaking Spanish like a true animal aficionado in no time!
To enhance your language skills in Animals in Spanish, we've compiled a list of games below that will aid you in your learning journey. Engage with these interactive activities to immerse yourself in the topic and expand your vocabulary effortlessly.
Study Resources
English | Spanish |
Alligator | Cocodrilo |
Ant | Hormiga |
Bird | Pájaro |
Camel | Camello |
Cat | Gato |
Chicken | Pollo |
Cow | Vaca |
Crocodile | Cocodrilo |
Deer | Ciervo |
Dog | Perro |
Dolphin | Delfín |
Duck | Pato |
Elephant | Elefante |
Fish | Pez |
Fox | Zorro |
Frog | Rana |
Giraffe | Jirafa |
Goat | Cabrita |
Goose | Ganso |
Gorilla | Gorila |
Hippopotamus | Hipopótamo |
Horse | Caballo |
Kangaroo | Canguro |
Lion | León |
Llama | Llama |
Monkey | Mono |
Mouse | Ratón |
Octopus | Pulpo |
Ostrich | Avestruz |
Owl | Búho |
Panda | Panda |
Penguin | Pingüino |
Pig | Cerdo |
Rabbit | Conejo |
Raccoon | Mapache |
Rat | Rata |
Seal | Foca |
Shark | Tiburón |
Sheep | Oveja |
Snake | Serpiente |
Squirrel | Ardilla |
Tiger | Tigre |
Tortoise | Tortuga |
Trout | Trucha |
Turkey | Pavo |
Turtle | Tortuga |
Walrus | Morsa |
Whale | Ballena |
Wolf | Lobo |
Zebra | Cebra |