Spanish Adverbs

learning vocabulary games for adverbs in Spanish

memory wizards iconWelcome! So you want to learn about common adverbs in Spanish, huh? Well, you're in the right place! On this page, we'll break down some of the most frequently used adverbs in the Spanish language, giving you the tools you need to spice up your conversations and express yourself in a truly authentic way. So, let's dive in and have some fun exploring the wonderful world of Spanish adverbs!

You'll find a variety of fun games below that will assist you in mastering the topic of Common Adverbs in Spanish. These games are designed to make your language learning experience enjoyable and effective.


  • Study List

    Study List

    An interactive way to learn new words and improve spelling and grammar

  • Vocabulary Flash Cards

    Vocabulary Flash Cards

    These flashcards help you learn and memorize essential vocabulary.

  • Column Match

    Column Match

    Match the word pairs to improve your Spanish vocabulary

  • Language Adventure

    Language Adventure

    Complete the Quest! Listen to the English word and find the right Spanish word

  • Midnight Linguist

    Midnight Linguist

    Get 10 words before Morning. Listen to the Spanish word and click on the right English Word

  • Translation Trek

    Translation Trek

    Get home before dark! Listen to the Spanish word and click the Spanish word

  • English to Spanish Quiz

    English to Spanish Quiz

    Test your foreign language knowledge of Spanish by playing this illuminating language quiz.

  • Spanish Reading Quiz

    Spanish Reading Quiz

    Test your Spanish reading skills with this enchanting quiz of Common Adverbs In Spanish vocabulary words.

Study Resources


slowly lentamente
carefully cuidadosamente
loudly ruidosamente
quietly silenciosamente
happily felizmente
sadly tristemente
easily fácilmente
hardly apenas
clearly claramente
brightly brillantemente
darkly oscuramente
angrily enojadamente
calmly calmadamente
cautiously cautelosamente
dearly cariñosamente
gently suavemente
graciously graciosamente
greatly grandemente
inwardly internamente
outwardly externamente
joyfully alegremente
lately últimamente
neatly ordenadamente
nicely amablemente
patiently pacientemente
perfectly perfectamente
poorly pobremente
rudely groseramente
sincerely sinceramente
swiftly rápidamente
tightly firmemente
truly verdaderamente
vigorously vigorosamente
warmly cálidamente
weakly débilmente
willingly voluntariamente
wisely sabiamente
worryingly preocupantemente

Quick Facts

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