Are you ready to have fun while learning Portuguese? Explore the world of vegetables in Portuguese through interactive games and activities. Engage in exciting challenges that will help you expand your vocabulary and improve your language skills. Let's dive into the colorful world of vegetables and discover how to say them in Portuguese together! Let's play games to learn Vegetables in Portuguese!
Study Resources
English | Portuguese |
artichoke | alcachofra |
beans | feijão |
broccoli | brócolis |
cabbage | repolho |
carrot | cenoura |
cauliflower | couve-flor |
celery | aipo |
corn | milho |
cucumber | pepino |
garlic | alho |
lettuce | alface |
mushroom | cogumelo |
onion | cebola |
peas | ervilhas |
pepper | pimenta |
potato | batata |
pumpkin | abóbora |
spinach | espinafre |
tomato | tomate |
zucchini | abobrinha |
Quick Facts
- Vegetables are called "vegetais" in Portuguese.
- They are an important part of a healthy diet.
- Some common vegetables in Portuguese cuisine include tomatoes, onions, and peppers.
- Vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
- Eating a variety of vegetables can help prevent certain diseases.
Vocabulary List