Portuguese Store Types Vocabulary

learning vocabulary games for store types in Portuguese

memory wizards iconAre you ready to level up your language skills? Dive into the world of store types in Portuguese with fun games to learn and interactive activities. Whether you're a beginner or looking to brush up on your skills, immerse yourself in a new language in an engaging way. Let's make learning Portuguese a playful and exciting journey together!


  • Study List

    Study List

    An interactive way to learn new words and improve spelling and grammar

  • Vocabulary Flash Cards

    Vocabulary Flash Cards

    These flashcards help you learn and memorize essential vocabulary.

  • Column Match

    Column Match

    Match the word pairs to improve your Portuguese vocabulary

  • Language Adventure

    Language Adventure

    Complete the Quest! Listen to the English word and find the right Portuguese word

  • Midnight Linguist

    Midnight Linguist

    Get 10 words before Morning. Listen to the Portuguese word and click on the right English Word

  • Translation Trek

    Translation Trek

    Get home before dark! Listen to the Portuguese word and click the Portuguese word

  • English to Portuguese Quiz

    English to Portuguese Quiz

    Test your foreign language knowledge of Portuguese by playing this illuminating language quiz.

  • Portuguese Reading Quiz

    Portuguese Reading Quiz

    Test your Portuguese reading skills with this enchanting quiz of Store Types In Portuguese vocabulary words.

Study Resources


grocery storessupermercados
clothing storeslojas de roupas
electronic storeslojas de eletrônicos
department storeslojas de departamento
pet storeslojas de animais de estimação
toy storeslojas de brinquedos
home improvement storeslojas de materiais de construção
jewelry storeslojas de joias
furniture storeslojas de móveis
beauty supply storeslojas de produtos de beleza
sporting goods storeslojas de artigos esportivos
pharmacy storesfarmácias
convenience storeslojas de conveniência
outdoor gear storeslojas de equipamentos para atividades ao ar livre
art supply storeslojas de materiais de arte
office supply storeslojas de materiais de escritório
automotive storeslojas de peças automotivas
health food storeslojas de alimentos saudáveis
party supply storeslojas de artigos para festas

Quick Facts

  • Retail stores in Portuguese are called "lojas."
  • Supermarkets are known as "supermercados" in Portuguese.
  • Convenience stores are called "mercearias" in Portuguese.
  • Department stores are referred to as "grandes armazéns" in Portuguese.
  • Specialty stores are known as "lojas especializadas" in Portuguese.


Vocabulary List

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