Korean Store Types Vocabulary

learning vocabulary games for store types in Korean

memory wizards iconAre you ready to have fun while learning Korean? Explore the different types of stores in Korean through games to learn vocabulary effectively. Engage in interactive activities and immerse yourself in the language to make learning enjoyable and memorable. Let's embark on this exciting language learning journey together!


  • Study List

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  • Vocabulary Flash Cards

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  • Column Match

    Column Match

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  • Language Adventure

    Language Adventure

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  • Midnight Linguist

    Midnight Linguist

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  • Translation Trek

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  • English to Korean Quiz

    English to Korean Quiz

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  • Korean Reading Quiz

    Korean Reading Quiz

    Test your Korean reading skills with this enchanting quiz of Store Types In Korean vocabulary words.

Study Resources


grocery stores식료품 점포
clothing stores의류 점포
electronic stores전자제품 점포
department stores백화점
pet stores애완동물 점포
toy stores장난감 점포
home improvement stores가정용품 점포
jewelry stores보석점
furniture stores가구 점포
beauty supply stores화장품 점포
sporting goods stores스포츠 용품 점포
pharmacy stores약국
convenience stores편의점
outdoor gear stores야외 용품 점포
art supply stores미술 용품 점포
office supply stores사무용품 점포
automotive stores자동차 부품 점포
health food stores건강식품 점포
party supply stores파티 용품 점포

Quick Facts

  • Korean convenience stores are known as "편의점" (pyeon-ui-jeom).
  • Supermarkets in Korea are called "슈퍼마켓" (syupeo-maket).
  • Traditional markets in Korea are known as "장" (jang).
  • Department stores in Korea are referred to as "백화점" (baek-hwa-jeom).
  • Retail stores in Korea are called "매장" (mae-jang).


Vocabulary List

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