Learning fruits in Korean vocabulary is a fun and useful way to expand your language skills. By knowing the names of various fruits in Korean, you can easily communicate with native speakers at markets, restaurants, and in everyday conversations. This knowledge can also help you make healthier food choices and better understand Korean culture and cuisine. In this guide, you will learn the names of popular fruits like apple, banana, and strawberry in Korean, as well as how to pronounce them correctly. So come along and discover the colorful world of Korean fruits!
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English | Korean |
apple | 사과 |
apricot | 살구 |
avocado | 아보카도 |
banana | 바나나 |
blueberry | 블루베리 |
cherry | 체리 |
coconut | 코코넛 |
fig | 무화과 |
grape | 포도 |
grapefruit | 자몽 |
kiwi | 키위 |
lemon | 레몬 |
lime | 라임 |
mango | 망고 |
melon | 멜론 |
nectarine | 복숭아 |
orange | 오렌지 |
papaya | 파파야 |
peach | 복숭아 |
pear | 배 |
pineapple | 파인애플 |
plum | 자두 |
raspberry | 라즈베리 |
strawberry | 딸기 |
watermelon | 수박 |
Quick Facts
- Fruit in Korean is called "과일" (go-ee)
- Popular fruits in Korea include apples, bananas, strawberries, and watermelons.
- Koreans enjoy eating fruit as a dessert or snack.
- Fruit is often given as a gift in Korean culture, especially during holidays.
- Fruit plays an important role in traditional Korean cuisine and is used in dishes like fruit salads and fruit-based sauces.