Learning Work in Japanese vocabulary is essential for anyone looking to improve their language skills. Work-related terms are commonly used in everyday conversations, business settings, and formal interactions. By mastering this vocabulary, you will be able to communicate effectively in professional environments and broaden your understanding of Japanese culture. Whether you are a student, a traveler, or someone interested in international business, knowing Work in Japanese vocabulary will open up new opportunities and help you connect with native speakers on a deeper level. Take the first step towards fluency by diving into the world of Work in Japanese vocabulary today!
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English | Japanese |
resume | 履歴書 |
cover letter | カバーレター |
interview | 面接 |
job application | 求人応募 |
references | 推薦状 |
work experience | 職務経験 |
skills | スキル |
qualifications | 資格 |
salary | 給与 |
benefits | 福利厚生 |
human resources | 人事 |
job description | 職務内容 |
hiring process | 採用プロセス |
employee | 従業員 |
employer | 雇用者 |
career | キャリア |
position | ポジション |
promotion | 昇進 |
performance review | 評価 |
training | 研修 |
orientation | オリエンテーション |
contract | 契約 |
termination | 解雇 |
compensation | 報酬 |
job offer | 求人オファー |
Quick Facts
Vocabulary List