Learning Animals in Japanese vocabulary is a fun way to expand your language skills. By learning the names of different animals in Japanese, you can communicate with native speakers and understand Japanese culture better. Animals are a common topic in everyday conversations, so knowing their names can be very useful. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, mastering animal vocabulary will help you build a strong foundation in Japanese language. This knowledge will also come in handy when traveling to Japan or watching Japanese shows and movies. Start learning Animals in Japanese vocabulary today and open doors to new opportunities!
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English | Japanese |
Alligator | ワニ |
Ant | アリ |
Bird | 鳥 |
Camel | ラクダ |
Cat | 猫 |
Chicken | 鶏 |
Cow | 牛 |
Crocodile | ワニ |
Deer | 鹿 |
Dog | 犬 |
Dolphin | イルカ |
Duck | アヒル |
Elephant | 象 |
Fish | 魚 |
Fox | キツネ |
Frog | カエル |
Giraffe | キリン |
Goat | ヤギ |
Goose | ガチョウ |
Gorilla | ゴリラ |
Hippopotamus | カバ |
Horse | 馬 |
Kangaroo | カンガルー |
Lion | ライオン |
Llama | ラマ |
Monkey | サル |
Mouse | ネズミ |
Octopus | タコ |
Ostrich | ダチョウ |
Owl | フクロウ |
Panda | パンダ |
Penguin | ペンギン |
Pig | 豚 |
Rabbit | ウサギ |
Raccoon | アライグマ |
Rat | ネズミ |
Seal | アザラシ |
Shark | サメ |
Sheep | 羊 |
Snake | 蛇 |
Squirrel | リス |
Tiger | 虎 |
Tortoise | 亀 |
Trout | マス |
Turkey | 七面鳥 |
Turtle | 亀 |
Walrus | セイウチ |
Whale | クジラ |
Wolf | オオカミ |
Zebra | シマウマ |
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