Are you ready to have fun while learning Hindi? Explore the world of shopping in Hindi through interactive games and activities! With our engaging approach, you'll pick up new vocabulary and phrases in no time. Get ready to shop till you drop - in Hindi! Start playing games to learn shopping in Hindi today. Let's make language learning enjoyable and exciting!
Study Resources
English | Hindi |
sale | बिक्री |
discount | छूट |
clearance | सफाई |
coupon | कूपन |
promotion | पदोन्नति |
bargain | सौदागरी |
brand | ब्रांड |
return policy | वापसी नीति |
refund | धनवापसी |
exchange | विनिमय |
size chart | साइज़ चार्ट |
shopping cart | खरीदारी कार्ट |
checkout | चेकआउट |
payment | भुगतान |
receipt | रसीद |
customer service | ग्राहक सेवा |
online shopping | ऑनलाइन खरीदारी |
in-store shopping | स्टोर में खरीदारी |
window shopping | विंडो शॉपिंग |
gift card | उपहार कार्ड |
Quick Facts
Vocabulary List