Learning parts of the body in French vocabulary is an essential skill for anyone studying the language. By mastering these words, you will be able to communicate effectively with French speakers about your health, describe pain or discomfort, and understand medical terms. This knowledge can also be useful when traveling to French-speaking countries or when interacting with French-speaking individuals in your community. Understanding the names of body parts in French will not only improve your language skills but also enhance your overall ability to communicate and connect with others. Start expanding your vocabulary today and unlock a whole new world of possibilities!
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English | French |
arm | bras |
chest | poitrine |
ear | oreille |
elbow | coude |
eye | œil |
finger | doigt |
foot | pied |
hair | cheveux |
hand | main |
knee | genou |
leg | jambe |
mouth | bouche |
neck | cou |
nose | nez |
shoulder | épaule |
toe | orteil |
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Vocabulary List