Ottoman Greece (1453-1821) was a period when Greece was part of the Ottoman Empire. This lasted for almost four centuries. Ottoman rule had a significant impact on Greek culture, society, and economy. The Greeks struggled for independence during this time. They eventually succeeded in gaining their freedom in 1821.
Too Long Didn’t Read
- The Ottoman Empire ruled over Greece from 1453 to 1821.
- The Ottomans introduced Islam to Greece, but most Greeks remained Christian.
- Greek culture, language, and Orthodox Christian religion survived under Ottoman rule.
- Greek scholars and artists made important contributions during this period.
- The Greek War of Independence in 1821 led to the end of Ottoman rule in Greece.
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Siege of Athens (1456)
In 1456, the Ottoman Empire laid siege to Athens, resulting in a fierce battle that ultimately led to the city's fall.
Learn Now!Battle of Vaslui (1475)
The Battle of Vaslui in 1475 saw Stephen the Great of Moldavia defeat the Ottoman Empire, securing his kingdom's independence.
Learn Now!Siege of Rhodes (1522)
The Siege of Rhodes in 1522 was a pivotal battle between the Ottoman Empire and the Knights Hospitaller, resulting in the fall of the island.
Learn Now!Siege of Vienna (1529)
In 1529, Ottoman forces laid siege to Vienna, marking the first major clash between the Ottoman Empire and the Habsburg Monarchy.
Learn Now!Battle of Lepanto (1571)
The Battle of Lepanto in 1571 marked a decisive victory for the Holy League against the Ottoman Empire, securing control of the Mediterranean Sea.
Learn Now!Morean War (1684-1699)
The Morean War was a conflict between the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Venice over control of the Morea region, ending in a Venetian victory.
Learn Now!Orlov Revolt (1770)
The Orlov Revolt was a failed Greek uprising against Ottoman rule led by Russian-backed Greek rebels, ultimately resulting in harsh reprisals.
Learn Now!First Russo-Turkish War (1768-1774)
The First Russo-Turkish War (1768-1774) was sparked by Russian expansionism and resulted in the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca, weakening Ottoman influence in Eastern Europe.
Learn Now!Second Russo-Turkish War (1787-1792)
The Second Russo-Turkish War saw Catherine the Great's Russia expanding its territory at the expense of the Ottoman Empire.
Learn Now!Greek War of Independence (1821-1829)
The Greek War of Independence (1821-1829) marked the successful revolt of Greeks against Ottoman rule, leading to the establishment of modern Greece.
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