
Study timeline list

The timeline shows a list of events, from oldest to newest, and helps us see how things have progressed over time.

The timeline module is different depending on the subject you’re studying. History, biographies, and geography show dates and events in order. For example, you can see when significant events happen in a person’s life or place. In literature, the timeline module shows the events in a story as they occurred in the book.

This helps you understand events or the plot and how everything fits together. So, depending on what you’re learning about, the timeline module can help you understand important information in a clear and organized way.

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How this helps you learn

  • Timelines represent the chronological order of events, helping players understand the sequence of events.
  • Seeing events laid out linearly can help players grasp how one event leads to another.
  • Timelines can highlight key moments, letting players focus on important events.
  • Timelines can also show the duration between events, giving players a sense of scale.

Games that use Timeline facts

  • Temporal Tangle
  • Time Fuse
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