Language Quiz

English foreign language quiz

This language quiz will show you an English word and four possible translations. If you’re not sure of the answer, you can click on the English word to hear the translation for an audio hint. Choose the correct translation from the options provided. Test your knowledge and see how well you know different languages!

Press the button and then select your desired topic

How to Play

  • Read the English word and look for the correct translation.
  • Click the English word to hear the correct foreign word spoken.
  • Use Spells to help you win!


Spell of Guidance

Gets a hint. The hint has a 70% chance of being helpful.

Cost: 1 Gem

Spell of Clarity

Remove 2 wrong answers

Cost: 1 Gems

Tempus Interruptius

Stop the time for the whole quiz

Cost: 5 Gems

Revelio Veritas

Reveals the correct answer

Cost: 3 Gems

Magic Glasses

Show the phonetic transliteration of the word. This is helpful when the foreign language uses a script different from English. For example, Chinese.

Cost: FREE

How this helps you learn

  • Reinforces vocabulary retention
  • Provides auditory cues for pronunciation
  • Encourages active engagement with language learning


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