Are you curious about learning Russian? Dive into the world of work in Russian with interactive games and activities. Explore vocabulary, phrases, and more while having fun along the way. Embrace a new language and challenge yourself to expand your skills. Let's make learning Russian an exciting adventure!
Study Resources
English | Russian |
resume | резюме |
cover letter | сопроводительное письмо |
interview | собеседование |
job application | заявление на работу |
references | рекомендации |
work experience | опыт работы |
skills | навыки |
qualifications | квалификация |
salary | зарплата |
benefits | льготы |
human resources | кадровые ресурсы |
job description | описание работы |
hiring process | процесс найма |
employee | сотрудник |
employer | работодатель |
career | карьера |
position | должность |
promotion | продвижение |
performance review | оценка результативности |
training | обучение |
orientation | ориентация |
contract | контракт |
termination | увольнение |
compensation | компенсация |
job offer | предложение о работе |
Quick Facts
- Russia has a high employment rate, with a large portion of the population participating in the workforce.
- The Russian labor market is diverse, with opportunities in various industries such as energy, technology, and manufacturing.
- Workers in Russia are entitled to certain rights and benefits, including paid vacation days and maternity leave.
- Salaries in Russia vary depending on the region and industry, with Moscow and St. Petersburg generally offering higher wages.
- Unemployment rates in Russia have fluctuated over the years, but have generally been lower compared to other countries.
Vocabulary List