Learning Animals in Russian vocabulary is a fun and educational way to expand your language skills. By familiarizing yourself with the names of different animals in Russian, you can communicate more effectively with native speakers and gain a deeper understanding of Russian culture. Animals are a common topic of conversation, so knowing their names in Russian can help you connect with others and make new friends. Additionally, learning animal vocabulary can enhance your overall language proficiency and make it easier to navigate your way through Russian-speaking countries. Get started today and discover the exciting world of Russian animal names!
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English | Russian |
Alligator | Аллигатор |
Ant | Муравей |
Bird | Птица |
Camel | Верблюд |
Cat | Кошка |
Chicken | Курица |
Cow | Корова |
Crocodile | Крокодил |
Deer | Олень |
Dog | Собака |
Dolphin | Дельфин |
Duck | Утка |
Elephant | Слон |
Fish | Рыба |
Fox | Лиса |
Frog | Лягушка |
Giraffe | Жираф |
Goat | Коза |
Goose | Гусь |
Gorilla | Горилла |
Hippopotamus | Гиппопотам |
Horse | Лошадь |
Kangaroo | Кенгуру |
Lion | Лев |
Llama | Лама |
Monkey | Обезьяна |
Mouse | Мышь |
Octopus | Осьминог |
Ostrich | Страус |
Owl | Сова |
Panda | Панда |
Penguin | Пингвин |
Pig | Свинья |
Rabbit | Кролик |
Raccoon | Енот |
Rat | Крыса |
Seal | Тюлень |
Shark | Акула |
Sheep | Овца |
Snake | Змея |
Squirrel | Белка |
Tiger | Тигр |
Tortoise | Черепаха |
Trout | Форель |
Turkey | Индюк |
Turtle | Черепаха |
Walrus | Морж |
Whale | Кит |
Wolf | Волк |
Zebra | Зебра |
Quick Facts
Vocabulary List