Useful Korean Phrases

learning vocabulary games for useful phrases in Korean

memory wizards iconAre you ready to level up your Korean language skills through games? Look no further! Our interactive activities will make learning useful phrases in Korean fun and engaging. Whether you're a beginner or looking to brush up on your skills, these games will help you master essential phrases in no time. Get ready to impress with your Korean language abilities! Let's play and learn together!


  • Study List

    Study List

    An interactive way to learn new words and improve spelling and grammar

  • Vocabulary Flash Cards

    Vocabulary Flash Cards

    These flashcards help you learn and memorize essential vocabulary.

  • Column Match

    Column Match

    Match the word pairs to improve your Korean vocabulary

  • Language Adventure

    Language Adventure

    Complete the Quest! Listen to the English word and find the right Korean word

  • Midnight Linguist

    Midnight Linguist

    Get 10 words before Morning. Listen to the Korean word and click on the right English Word

  • Translation Trek

    Translation Trek

    Get home before dark! Listen to the Korean word and click the Korean word

  • English to Korean Quiz

    English to Korean Quiz

    Test your foreign language knowledge of Korean by playing this illuminating language quiz.

  • Korean Reading Quiz

    Korean Reading Quiz

    Test your Korean reading skills with this enchanting quiz of vocabulary words.

Study Resources


Goodbye안녕히 가세요
Thank you감사합니다
Excuse me실례합니다
I'm sorry미안합니다
How are you?어떻게 지내세요?
Can you help me?도와주실 수 있나요?
I don't understand이해하지 못해요
Where is the bathroom?화장실이 어디 있어요?
What is your name?이름이 뭐에요?
How much does it cost?얼마에요?
I need a doctor의사가 필요해요
Can you speak slower?천천히 말해주실 수 있나요?
I'm lost길을 잃었어요
What time is it?지금 몇 시예요?
Do you speak English?영어를 할 수 있나요?
Could you repeat that다시 말해주실 수 있을까요?
please?주문하고 싶어요...
I would like to order......은 어디에서 찾을 수 있나요?

Quick Facts

  • Korean is the official language of South Korea and North Korea.
  • Learning basic Korean phrases can be helpful when traveling to Korea.
  • Common Korean phrases include greetings, introductions, and expressing gratitude.
  • Knowing how to say "hello," "thank you," and "goodbye" in Korean can go a long way.
  • Practice pronunciation and listening to improve your Korean language skills.


Vocabulary List

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