Are you ready to have fun while learning Korean? Join us in playing games to learn how to tell time in Korean! Our interactive activities will keep you engaged and excited about expanding your language skills. Get ready to immerse yourself in a new language in a fun and enjoyable way. Let's play and learn together!
Study Resources
English | Korean |
Hour | 시간 |
Minute | 분 |
Second | 초 |
Clock | 시계 |
Watch | 손목시계 |
Timepiece | 시계 |
Digital | 디지털 |
Analog | 아날로그 |
AM | 오전 |
PM | 오후 |
Midnight | 자정 |
Noon | 정오 |
Quarter | 15분 |
Half | 30분 |
Past | 지난 |
To | 다음 |
Time zone | 시간대 |
Stopwatch | 스톱워치 |
Timer | 타이머 |
Quick Facts
- Korean uses a different system for telling time compared to English.
- There are two ways to tell time in Korean: using the native Korean system and the Sino-Korean system.
- The native Korean system is used for telling time up to 30 minutes past the hour.
- The Sino-Korean system is used for telling time from 31 minutes past the hour up to the next hour.
- When telling time in Korean, the hour is stated first followed by the minutes.
Vocabulary List