Learning Animals in Korean vocabulary is a fun and useful way to expand your language skills. By understanding the names of different animals in Korean, you can communicate better with native speakers and enhance your overall language proficiency. Whether you are a beginner or looking to improve your Korean vocabulary, studying animals is a great place to start. With over 100,000 words in the Korean language, mastering animal vocabulary is a manageable and rewarding goal. From pets to wildlife, learning animal names in Korean opens up a whole new world of communication and cultural understanding. Start learning today and broaden your language horizons!
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English | Korean |
Alligator | 악어 |
Ant | 개미 |
Bird | 새 |
Camel | 낙타 |
Cat | 고양이 |
Chicken | 닭 |
Cow | 소 |
Crocodile | 악어 |
Deer | 사슴 |
Dog | 개 |
Dolphin | 돌고래 |
Duck | 오리 |
Elephant | 코끼리 |
Fish | 물고기 |
Fox | 여우 |
Frog | 개구리 |
Giraffe | 기린 |
Goat | 염소 |
Goose | 거위 |
Gorilla | 고릴라 |
Hippopotamus | 하마 |
Horse | 말 |
Kangaroo | 캥거루 |
Lion | 사자 |
Llama | 라마 |
Monkey | 원숭이 |
Mouse | 쥐 |
Octopus | 문어 |
Ostrich | 타조 |
Owl | 부엉이 |
Panda | 판다 |
Penguin | 펭귄 |
Pig | 돼지 |
Rabbit | 토끼 |
Raccoon | 라쿤 |
Rat | 쥐 |
Seal | 물개 |
Shark | 상어 |
Sheep | 양 |
Snake | 뱀 |
Squirrel | 다람쥐 |
Tiger | 호랑이 |
Tortoise | 거북이 |
Trout | 송어 |
Turkey | 칠면조 |
Turtle | 거북이 |
Walrus | 바다코끼리 |
Whale | 고래 |
Wolf | 늑대 |
Zebra | 얼룩말 |
Quick Facts
- Korean people have a special connection with animals
- Many Korean families have pets like dogs and cats
- In Korean culture, certain animals are considered lucky or symbolic
- Korean cuisine includes dishes made from various animals
- There are many animal-themed festivals and events in Korea
Vocabulary List