Japanese Days of the Week Vocabulary

learning vocabulary games for days of the week in Japanese

memory wizards iconLearning the days of the week in Japanese vocabulary is essential for understanding the language. In Japanese, each day has a unique name that is different from English. By learning these words, you will be able to communicate about schedules, appointments, and events in Japanese. This knowledge will also help you navigate through Japanese calendars, timetables, and even plan your future trips to Japan. Understanding the days of the week will improve your overall language skills and cultural knowledge. Start by familiarizing yourself with the Japanese names for Monday through Sunday to enhance your language learning experience.


  • Study List

    Study List

    An interactive way to learn new words and improve spelling and grammar

  • Vocabulary Flash Cards

    Vocabulary Flash Cards

    These flashcards help you learn and memorize essential vocabulary.

  • Column Match

    Column Match

    Match the word pairs to improve your Japanese vocabulary

  • Language Adventure

    Language Adventure

    Complete the Quest! Listen to the English word and find the right Japanese word

  • Midnight Linguist

    Midnight Linguist

    Get 10 words before Morning. Listen to the Japanese word and click on the right English Word

  • Translation Trek

    Translation Trek

    Get home before dark! Listen to the Japanese word and click the Japanese word

  • English to Japanese Quiz

    English to Japanese Quiz

    Test your foreign language knowledge of Japanese by playing this illuminating language quiz.

  • Japanese Reading Quiz

    Japanese Reading Quiz

    Test your Japanese reading skills with this enchanting quiz of Days Of The Week In Japanese vocabulary words.

Study Resources



Quick Facts

  • There are 7 days in a week in Japanese.
  • The days of the week are written in kanji characters.
  • The days of the week in Japanese are named after the five elements and two celestial objects.
  • Monday is called "Getsuyoubi" which means Moon Day.
  • Sunday is called "Nichiyoubi" which means Sun Day.


Vocabulary List

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