Are you ready to level up your language skills? Dive into games to learn Italian for work! Interactive activities will keep you engaged and motivated as you learn essential vocabulary and phrases. Embrace the fun side of learning a new language and watch your skills soar. Let's work in Italian together!
Study Resources
English | Italian |
resume | curriculum |
cover letter | lettera di presentazione |
interview | intervista |
job application | candidatura di lavoro |
references | referenze |
work experience | esperienza lavorativa |
skills | competenze |
qualifications | qualifiche |
salary | stipendio |
benefits | benefici |
human resources | risorse umane |
job description | descrizione del lavoro |
hiring process | processo di assunzione |
employee | impiegato |
employer | datore di lavoro |
career | carriera |
position | posizione |
promotion | promozione |
performance review | valutazione delle prestazioni |
training | formazione |
orientation | orientamento |
contract | contratto |
termination | licenziamento |
compensation | compensazione |
job offer | offerta di lavoro |
Quick Facts
- Work in Italian is translated as "lavoro".
- Italy has a diverse economy with opportunities in sectors such as fashion, automotive, tourism, and food industry.
- The average working week in Italy is 40 hours, with a maximum of 48 hours allowed.
- Italian labor laws guarantee workers annual leave, sick leave, and maternity/paternity leave.
- It is common to have a lunch break of 1-2 hours in Italy, known as "pausa pranzo".
Vocabulary List