Are you ready to dive into the world of work in Hindi? Get ready to have fun and learn through games to master work-related vocabulary and phrases in Hindi. Whether you're a beginner or looking to brush up on your skills, these interactive activities will make learning a new language an exciting and engaging experience. Let's get started on your language learning journey!
Study Resources
English | Hindi |
resume | जीवन परिचय |
cover letter | कवर पत्र |
interview | साक्षात्कार |
job application | नौकरी के लिए आवेदन |
references | संदर्भ |
work experience | कार्य अनुभव |
skills | कौशल |
qualifications | योग्यता |
salary | वेतन |
benefits | लाभ |
human resources | मानव संसाधन |
job description | नौकरी का विवरण |
hiring process | भर्ती प्रक्रिया |
employee | कर्मचारी |
employer | नियोक्ता |
career | करियर |
position | पद |
promotion | पदोन्नति |
performance review | प्रदर्शन समीक्षा |
training | प्रशिक्षण |
orientation | मार्गदर्शन |
contract | अनुबंध |
termination | समाप्ति |
compensation | मुआवजा |
job offer | नौकरी की पेशकश |
Quick Facts
- Work in Hindi is called "काम" (Kaam).
- Work is considered essential for earning a living and supporting oneself and one's family.
- There are different types of work such as manual labor, office work, entrepreneurship, etc.
- Work ethics and professionalism are highly valued in Indian society.
- In Hindi culture, the concept of "karma" is closely related to work, emphasizing the importance of performing one's duties diligently and selflessly.
Vocabulary List