Are you ready to level up your language skills? Dive into the world of work in Greek with fun games to learn vocabulary and phrases. Get hands-on practice while having a blast along the way. Let's make learning a new language exciting and engaging together!
Study Resources
English | Greek |
resume | βιογραφικό |
cover letter | συνοδευτική επιστολή |
interview | συνέντευξη |
job application | αίτηση εργασίας |
references | αναφορές |
work experience | εργασιακή εμπειρία |
skills | δεξιότητες |
qualifications | προσόντα |
salary | μισθός |
benefits | παροχές |
human resources | ανθρώπινο δυναμικό |
job description | περιγραφή θέσης |
hiring process | διαδικασία πρόσληψης |
employee | υπάλληλος |
employer | εργοδότης |
career | σταδιοδρομία |
position | θέση |
promotion | προαγωγή |
performance review | αξιολόγηση απόδοσης |
training | εκπαίδευση |
orientation | προσανατολισμός |
contract | σύμβαση |
termination | λύση συμβολαίου |
compensation | αποζημίωση |
job offer | προσφορά εργασίας |
Quick Facts
- Work in Greek is called "Εργασία" (Ergasía).
- In Greek culture, work is highly valued and seen as a means of personal fulfillment.
- Greece has a strong work ethic, with many people working long hours and taking pride in their jobs.
- Unemployment rates in Greece have been high in recent years, leading to economic challenges for many individuals and families.
- Greek labor laws protect workers' rights, including provisions for minimum wage, vacation time, and sick leave.
Vocabulary List