Learning Animals in German vocabulary is an exciting way to expand your language skills. By learning the names of animals in German, you can communicate with native speakers, read German texts, and explore the rich culture of German-speaking countries. From common pets like cats and dogs to exotic animals like elephants and kangaroos, knowing the German words for animals opens up a whole new world of communication and understanding. Whether you are a beginner or looking to improve your German language skills, mastering animal vocabulary is a fun and practical way to enhance your language learning journey. Start exploring the world of German animals today!
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English | German |
Alligator | Alligator |
Ant | Ameise |
Bird | Vogel |
Camel | Kamel |
Cat | Katze |
Chicken | Huhn |
Cow | Kuh |
Crocodile | Krokodil |
Deer | Hirsch |
Dog | Hund |
Dolphin | Delfin |
Duck | Ente |
Elephant | Elefant |
Fish | Fisch |
Fox | Fuchs |
Frog | Frosch |
Giraffe | Giraffe |
Goat | Ziege |
Goose | Gans |
Gorilla | Gorilla |
Hippopotamus | Nilpferd |
Horse | Pferd |
Kangaroo | Känguru |
Lion | Löwe |
Llama | Lama |
Monkey | Affe |
Mouse | Maus |
Octopus | Krake |
Ostrich | Strauss |
Owl | Eule |
Panda | Panda |
Penguin | Pinguin |
Pig | Schwein |
Rabbit | Kaninchen |
Raccoon | Waschbär |
Rat | Ratte |
Seal | Robbe |
Shark | Hai |
Sheep | Schaf |
Snake | Schlange |
Squirrel | Eichhörnchen |
Tiger | Tiger |
Tortoise | Schildkröte |
Trout | Forelle |
Turkey | Truthahn |
Turtle | Schildkröte |
Walrus | Walross |
Whale | Wal |
Wolf | Wolf |
Zebra | Zebra |
Quick Facts
Vocabulary List