Portuguese Fruits

learning vocabulary games for fruits in Portuguese

memory wizards iconLearning fruits in Portuguese vocabulary is a fun and useful way to expand your language skills. By learning the names of different fruits in Portuguese, you will be able to communicate more effectively in everyday situations, such as grocery shopping or ordering food at a restaurant. Knowing the names of fruits in Portuguese will also help you better understand the culture and cuisine of Portuguese-speaking countries. Additionally, learning these vocabulary words can improve your memory and cognitive abilities. So, whether you are a beginner or looking to improve your Portuguese skills, mastering fruit vocabulary is a great place to start!


  • Study List

    Study List

    An interactive way to learn new words and improve spelling and grammar

  • Vocabulary Flash Cards

    Vocabulary Flash Cards

    These flashcards help you learn and memorize essential vocabulary.

  • Column Match

    Column Match

    Match the word pairs to improve your Portuguese vocabulary

  • Language Adventure

    Language Adventure

    Complete the Quest! Listen to the English word and find the right Portuguese word

  • Midnight Linguist

    Midnight Linguist

    Get 10 words before Morning. Listen to the Portuguese word and click on the right English Word

  • Translation Trek

    Translation Trek

    Get home before dark! Listen to the Portuguese word and click the Portuguese word

  • English to Portuguese Quiz

    English to Portuguese Quiz

    Test your foreign language knowledge of Portuguese by playing this illuminating language quiz.

  • Portuguese Reading Quiz

    Portuguese Reading Quiz

    Test your Portuguese reading skills with this enchanting quiz of vocabulary words.

Study Resources


apricot damasco
avocado abacate
banana banana
blueberry mirtilo
cherry cereja
coconut coco
fig figo
grape uva
grapefruit toranja
kiwi kiwi
lemon limão
lime lima
mango manga
melon melão
nectarine nectarina
orange laranja
papaya mamão
peach pêssego
pear pera
pineapple abacaxi
plum ameixa
raspberry framboesa
strawberry morango
watermelon melancia

Quick Facts

  • Fruits in Portuguese are called "frutas".
  • Some common fruits in Portuguese are "maçã" (apple), "banana" (banana), "laranja" (orange), "morango" (strawberry), and "uva" (grape).
  • Fruits are an important part of the Portuguese diet and are often eaten as snacks or desserts.
  • Portugal has a variety of unique fruits such as "ameixa" (plum), "figo" (fig), and "pêssego" (peach).
  • Fruits are packed with essential vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial for overall health.


Vocabulary List

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