Study List for Vocabulary

Digital study list with audio controls

Every topic has a vocabulary list. Language lists will contain translations, and other subjects will include context.

When studying a new topic, it can be helpful to use a vocabulary study list to learn essential words and their meanings. This list can include terms specific to the topic, such as key concepts, definitions, and essential terms.

Reviewing and practicing these words regularly can improve your understanding of the subject and make you feel more confident. Interactive software can make studying vocabulary fun and engaging, with activities like flashcards, quizzes, and games to help reinforce learning.

On foreign language vocabulary lists where there is a native script, such as Chinese, Arabic, or Thai, you’ll be given the option to switch between the native script and a transliteration*.

*Transliteration is the phonetic spelling of the word in English.

Press the button and then select your desired topic

How this helps you learn

  • Provides a reference for quick review
  • It helps in memorizing words and their meanings
  • Aids in expanding vocabulary
  • Provides correct pronunciation

Games that use vocabulary

If you play any of the following games, you might want to study the vocabulary list first.

  • Scrambled Letters
  • LexiQuiz
  • Language Adventure
  • English to Foreign Langage Quiz
  • Midnight Linguist
  • Translation Trek
  • Column Match
  • Reading Quiz


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