Missing Words

fill in the blanks game with missing words to be filled in

In the missing word fill-in-the-blank game, players click on words to fill in the blanks and complete sentences. To help win, players can use in-game spells that reveal hints or provide extra guesses. These spells can be used strategically to uncover the missing words and unlock the next quest level. With quick thinking and a good vocabulary, players can conquer the game and become the ultimate word wizard!

How to Play

  • Click the words in the correct order to fill in the blanks.
  • The game is over when you get three words wrong.
  • Use spells to help win the game.


Spell of Peeking

Peek at the sentence for 5 seconds.

Cost 2 Gems

Spell of Skipping

Skip the current sentence.

Cost: 2 Gems.

Spell of Redemption

Reset the match strikes back to 3.

Cost 3 Gems.

How this helps you learn

When we read a list of facts, we normally scan it. While we can force ourselves to study a list, when we make it into a game, we take away the stress of forcing ourselves to learn. Concentrating on the missing words forces us to absorb the sentence and facts, which helps to embed the facts in our memory.


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